Joe The Bluesman

  • Release
  • 11/27/2020
61706 44542388 20 1
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Joe The Bluesman lives out his convictions and lays out his soul in his music. You can hear in the way he sings and you can feel it in the way he plays the guitar. The new king of blues, Joe is on a mission to bring blues back to the forefront of the music scene. "I feel that a lot of the quality has left the music these days," Joe The Bluesman says. "I want to make great quality music that moves people, and that will be the driving force behind the music's success."

Joe recently released his latest single "I Was Born American," on April 15th, 2020 to all major streaming platforms. A lyric video is planned to be released to the single this fall. 


Joe The Bluesman aka Joe Campobasso was born in Kansas City in 1954. Early in his childhood, his parents moved to Huntington Beach, California where he would spend most of his youth. A natural musician, he was already playing the violin by the third grade, and by high school, he was playing in the school's band. Joe also played bass in a band during his teen years known as "Pimit Creek," who mainly played CSN&Y covers. Joe's musical influences include Count Basis and Sarah Vaughn. After high school, he put music as a profession aside stating "I have always had an interest in music but I had to put music as a side interest, like so many people I took the time to raise my family. Three years ago I said goodbye to my day job to make music my number one priority."


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Blues | Rock | Country



Chris Keplinger

Blues Artist Releases Patriotic Single For The Presidential Election

West Coast export Joe The Bluesman is feeling very patriotic with his latest release. Joe released the single "I Was Born American," to Spotify and all major streaming networks on April 14, 2020. A music video for the single will premiere on YouTube on October 16, 2020.

Showing his support for the election Joe tweeted the song to the Bidden campaign. This had an unexpected result; support from the Trump campaign and Twitter account. The Trump campaign retweeted the song on Twitter. 


 Raised to be a lifelong democrat Joe never expected support from the Trump campaign. He's perplexed by the Trump campaign's support due to the song's subject matter. The song's origins stem from the character Tom Joad and the movie Grapes of Wrath. He states “The character, Tom Joad, and this movie impacted how I viewed America growing up as a kid."


 Joe is grateful for the support from the Trump campaign and the retweets. He hopes for more left-leaning support and continues to reach out to the Bidden campaign.


Dispatch Details

Preferred Retail Link: Click here
Release Format: Video
Release Type: Digital
Country: U.S.A
Distributor: Distro Kid
Release Title: I Was Born American
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